
Here you will find the imprint and all important information about Abiomed.
About Abiomed:

Abiomed is an innovative global leader in medical technology and makes a significant contribution to cardiac support and restoration of cardiac function with its unique product portfolio. Abiomed, Inc. was founded in 1981 in Danvers, Massachusetts, USA. The Abiomed Group's European headquarters is located in Aachen. Today, Abiomed provides state-of-the-art technologies for catheterisation labs and cardiac surgery. This is how Abiomed is committed to saving lives and restoring heart function.
Today Abiomed has around 1,000 employees in the USA, Germany and Japan. Approximately 400 employees work at the German headquarters in Aachen. The Impella® heart pump was first developed and produced in Aachen – and today engineers and technicians are constantly working on the further development of the systems.
About Impella® heart pumps:

The company offers a wide range of clinical products and services for cardiac recovery and unloading. This includes Impella, the world's smallest heart pump. The aim of this pump is to support and relieve the heart, regenerate cardiac function and enable patients to enjoy the highest possible quality of life. The pump is used in emergency medicine as well as for complex coronary interventions.

Abiomed Europe GmbH
Neuenhofer Weg 3
52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 8860-0
Fax: +49 241 8860-111
E-mail: europe(at)


Dr Thorsten Sieß
Dirk Gerhard Michels
Company headquarters: Aachen, Germany
The legal information is valid for:,,,
Registry Court: Aachen District Court
Register number: HRB 13059
VAT ID no. pursuant to § 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 813 647 191
The ABIOMED logo, ABIOMED, Impella, Impella 2.5, Impella 5.0, Impella LD, Impella CP, Impella RP and Recovering Hearts. Saving Lives. are registered trademarks of Abiomed, Inc. in the United States and several other countries.

The contents of this website have been created with the utmost care. However, the organisation does not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and current status of the content provided. The contents of this website are provided for general information and do not constitute medical advice. Abiomed Europe GmbH recommends consulting a medical professional if you are looking for advice on a specific illness. The use of the website contents is at the user's own risk. Contributions identified by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not necessarily the opinion of the organisation. The mere use of the organisation's website does not create any contractual relationship between the user and the organisation. Abiomed Europe GmbH assumes no liability and makes no recommendation for the medical opinions and advice on this website.


This information is intended for use by customers, patients, and healthcare professionals in [region] only. We recognize that the Internet is a global communications medium; however, laws, regulatory requirements, and product information for medical products can vary from country to country. The product information included here may not be appropriate for use outside [region], and the information from other sites you visit may not be appropriate for use in [region].