Surgical Applications

Clinical Evidence

Clinical Evidence for Impella® Heart Pumps in Cardiac Surgery

Find out all about the current clinical evidence for Impella heart pumps in cardiac surgery. Discover video reports, our clinical guidelines and the EAPCI/ACVC expert consensus document.


Haemodynamic parameters improved immediately after placement of the Impella 5.0® heart pump, resulting in an increase in the mean cardiac index (CI) from 1.4 to 2.5 L/min/m2 and a MAD increase from 71 mmHg to 83 mmHg.

  • 94 %

    survival to 1 month

  • 81 %

    survival to 6 months

  • 75%

    survival to 1 month after cardiogenic shock following cardiotomy


EACTS 2021 - 5.5 New Opportunities in Validation – The Impact Trial

Prof. Reichenspurner from Hamburg (Germany) presented the study design of the initial pilot trial of the IMpella Protected cArdiac surgery Trial (IMPACT).


Standard Operating Procedures (Sops) for Cardiogenic Shock

Prof. Dr. med. Evgenij Potapov discusses standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cardiogenic shock with Dr. Armin Alexander Klesius.

Clinical Guidelines

Here you can download clinical guidelines for Impella heart pumps in cardiac surgery.


  1. Griffith B.P., et al., (2013). J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 145(2), 548-554.


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