Clinical Research & Data, Patient Identification, AMI Cardiogenic Shock

STEMI DTU Rollout at the Heart and Vascular Center Essen

The focus of the interview between Charles Simonton, MD, and PD Fadi Al-Rashid, MD, is an update on the STEMI DTU trial in light of the upcoming Investigator Meeting at the EuroPCR in Paris in May 2022.

Charles Simonton, MD, welcomes PD Dr. Fadi Al-Rashid as an expert on the STEMI DTU trial in Germany and talks with him about his personal best practice cases. The focus of the conversation is not only on the importance of a 24/7 screening process, but also on the ratio of screened versus enrolled patients in the STEMI DTU trial. Currently, this is 10:1 - meaning ten patients are screened, of which one is included in the study. PD Dr. Rashid describes how he and his team overcome this challenge. In the rest of the interview, they go into more detail about the following key topics:

  • Thoracic pain center, cardiac cath lab and ICU as partners in the screening process.
  • Making valuable use of the time before the cardiac catheterization laboratory
  • Establishing and running a 24/7 screening process
  • Pre-procedure preparation of the cardiac catheterization laboratory
  • Imaging techniques and choice of access
  • Investigator Meeting at EuroPCR 2022

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